Txevu Backflag Quest

おかしい。QvicのBackflag Quest探してたはずなんだがw
Qvic(-1676, -236, -411)にいるAverixx Quimeriに話を聞きます。
You say, 'Hail, Averixx Quimeri'
You say, 'Their best shot?'
You say, 'What damage?'
You say, 'Study?'
You say, 'Tell me about the method'
You say, 'Tell me about the controller's wand'
右目:(ぜ〜んぶGround Spawn)
First Fragment: -705, +595, -356 in Yxtta
Second Fragment: -852, +490, -356 also in Yxtta
Third Fragment: +2248, +2257, -476 in Kodtaz (pits in northwestern corner)
Fourth Fragment: -926, +1185, +432 also in Kodtaz (temple due north of Yxtta zone)
Fifth Fragment: -1270 -28 -433 in Qvic (in the caves)
Sixth Fragment: +433, +238 -416 in Qvic (at the lake in northwest corner)
この6個をJewelry KitでCombineして完成。
左目:(おそらくは全部がMob Drop)
First Fragment of the Left Eye - よくわかんない
Second Fragment of the Left Eye - dropped by Kyv
Third Fragment of the Left Eye - dropped by Mastruq
Fourth Fragment of the Left Eye - dropped by Noc
Fifth Fragment of the Left Eye - dropped by Ra`Tuk
Sixth Fragment of the Left Eye - dropped by Ukun
この6個をJewelry KitでCombineして完成。
次にHexxt Ilk KlokkをぶっころしてGolem Control wandをゲットします。
目玉2個とGolem Control wandをAverixx Quimeriに渡します。
そしてTxevuでWand Harnessと呼ばれるItemをLootしてCombineすればFlag Itemが完成するものと思われます。
