
Bene Spell Haste 30%
Everspring Mitts of the Tangled Briars@HAND
Mask of the Ancients@FACE
Necklace of Grimspirit Beads@WAIST-NECK
Bene Spell Preserv 20%
Accursed Earhoop of Pain@Ear
Chains of Anguish@WAIST
Ring of Deterrence@FINGER OLMM@Anguish
Shroud of the Surging Storm@BACK Yar`Lir@Thundercrest
The Eye of Despair@RANGE
Bene Heal Up 45%
Everspring Slippers of the Tangled Briars@FEET
Bene Heal Up 50%
Obsidian Pauldrons@SHOULDER Vishimtar@Nest
Bene Extend Range 25%
Greaves of the Dark Ritualist@LEG
Specialist's Green Earstone@EAR Specialization@MPG Trial
Supple White Leggings@LEG Rikkukin@Ascent
Tri-Spined Spaulders of Destruction@SHOULDER
Bene Extend Range 30%
Earring of Dark Conflict@EAR Jelvan@Anguish