Druid叙事詩(Epic 1.5) Part1

まずはEast KaranaにいるAltheleさんにお話を聞きに行きましょう。
You say, Hail, Althele
Althele says. 'Hello, friend. Beautiful is what I would call such a day normally, but lately? I sense that something is [out of balance].
You says, out of balance?
Althele says 'I am certain that you would sense it too, had you been so blessed as to be without sight. My sense of the life of Norrath is greatly heightened without the hindrance of vision. As I can sense that you have at your call the power of the lands, perhaps in the form of the Nature Walkers Scimitar. I can feel an unatural illness creeping about the edges of Norrath. Please, if you come across anything suspicious bring it to me. I am worried about this cold sickness that I can almost taste. Go with the blessing of the Mother and the speed of the Storm, my child.'
Rathe Mountainsに出向いて一人寂しくForageです。
"Sickly Maidens Hair"をゲット出来たらAltheleさんに渡します。
Althele says,'This plant is certainly ill. I've never sensed such a disease. You should take this to Niera in Surefall. She has been studying diseases ever since her mother's tragic death from disease. She may be able to find something out about what has affected that plant. Help her in anyway you can.
問答無用でAltheleさんはあなたに"a tuft of sickly maides hair"を渡します。
ではさくっとGGしてSurefall Gladesに向かいます。
そこにNiera Farbreezeさんがいるのでムギュっと"a tuft of sickly maides hair"を渡します。
Neira Farbreeze says,'Well, this is certainly new to me. It's hard to tell if this is a real concern, though. Diseases of all sorts exist in the world and we can't make every one of them a priority. But then perhaps I spend too much time thinking about it. Some great druids and scholars have told me that diseases can start out as helpful things, like parasite fish that clean other fish. But sometimes they change and become harmful. Sometimes they are trying to be helpful but cause harm because they are trying to clean the wrong kind of things of the fish. They've told me that this is just the way that life tries out new things to see if they work. That might be true, but I dont believe it. Tunare isn't that cruel. And I know at least one god that is.

Neira Farbreeze says,'See if you can find other infected plants or any other evidence of infection. If you can find enough of them you may be able to see a pattern. It should spread out from one point. Knowing the first location might help me alot to discover what this gunk started out as, which parasite fish it is, so-to-speak. Here, take this bag. Put the diseased plants and other evidence you find in here. Make sure to remember where you found them. Keep the bag with you at all times on your search, you never know when you will come across evidence of value. When you think you have enough to see a patter, seal up the bag and bring it back to me and let me know what you've found.'
すると今度は"A Waterproof Collection Bag"が渡されます。

次は辺境のLake of Ill Omenに移動します。GG Spotから離れててやなゾーンですね。
湖の中のドームの側にBloogill Foragersなんてのがいたらラッキーなあなた。
がっつりと殺されずに殺すことに成功したら*1"A Handfull of Sickly Maidens Hair"をゲットします。
Emeral Leaves(EJでForage)
Cactus Pulp(NroでForage)
A Flask of Water(あちこちのVendorにお金を渡すQuest*2でゲット)
全部揃ったらa brew barrelに全部ぶち込んでがっちょりとCombine(Trivalは15なので気にせずにGo!)。
"Green Body Paint"の完成です。
Frontier Mountainsにいったときに更にGobllinをいじめておきましょう。
Copper Armband(これだけ2個必要)
ACarved Wooden Mask
A Goblin Loincloth
Green Goblin Skin
これもa loomに全ぶち込みでCombineします(やはりTrivalは15)。
これでA Poor Goblin Diguiseが完成します。

