
Chicago Aaron Boone Allocated by the Chicago Bears to NFL Europe.
Chicago Jerry Schumacher Allocated by the Chicago Bears to NFL Europe.
Chicago Andre Forde Allocated by the Chicago Bears to NFL Europe.
Chicago Brooks Barnard Allocated by the Chicago Bears to NFL Europe.
Chicago Cliff Washburn Allocated by the Chicago Bears to NFL Europe.
Chicago Marcus Reese Allocated by the Chicago Bears to NFL Europe.
Cleveland Brant Boyer Re-signed by the Cleveland Browns to a four-year contract.
Green Bay Shockmain Davis Re-signed by the Green Bay Packers and alloacted to NFL Europe.
Green Bay Mitch White Signed as a free agent by the Green Bay Packers.
Tennessee Matt Martin Re-signed as a free agent by the Tennessee Titans.
Tennessee Lamont Thompson Re-signed as a free agent by the Tennessee Titans.